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Numerology is a science, and the first step to healing yourself is understanding your numbers. When you understand your numbers, you understand the fundamental make up of your DNA and how it affects your nature as a human being.
The technique of Reiki involves creating space in your being by balancing and calibrating your energetic chakras and allowing for new energy to enter.
ThetaHealing involves assessing the programming of your DNA including your beliefs and traumas in your being. In this process, we dig into your subconscious and reprogram your DNA.
Access Bars
The Access Bars technique involves discovering the path to releasing and eliminating everything that hinders you from being happy and fulfilled in all aspects of life.
What LIFE do YOU want to CO-CREATE?
How much longer will you wait to start creating...?

This is the Holistic Healing Process.
Are you ready to start Co-Creating? So Let's Go!