I get this question all the time…”Hey Carol, what exactly is Theta Healing and how will it help me?” I wanted to take a moment to give a quick introduction to what Theta Healing is and how it plays a part in the healing process for all of us.
Deep work of healing and awareness.
ThetaHealing® is an energetic healing technique that aims to identify and change beliefs, feelings and blocking patterns, immediately creating a new reality for the client’s life.
There is increasing scientific evidence that negative beliefs and emotions can contribute to the development of physical and emotional illness and discomfort. Our beliefs build our reality!
In ThetaHealing sessions the patient can bring up physical, emotional and mental issues. For example: Resentments, Traumas, Fears, Blocks, Addictions, Compulsions, Financial Issues, Relationship, Obesity, Insecurity, Illness, Pain or any blockage you want to change in your life.
How do ThetaHealing® sessions take place?
There are three steps:
1 – Conversation in which the patient explains to the therapist what he wants to work;
2 – Through muscular tests dacinesiologias verified the blockages and limiting beliefs of the client, and it is on them that the work is based;
3 – With the client’s permission, the therapist accesses the brain frequency “Theta” and removes the blockages and limiting beliefs of his / her energy system, replacing them with potentiating programs that generate greater awareness and a new reality.